Monday, February 27, 2012

Changes and hoped for continuity

Saturday after vespers
I talked with some of the beloved
and fast growing kids/teens of my
Ottawa parish.
About my last trip down South
to the States to be with
About Orthoman's plans to come
in two weeks;
About Orthoman's very meaningful
decision to come to Ottawa this year
for Pascha to share it with me;
About the cookies I made last year for
Pascha that these kids remember
very well.
It is things like this that I hope to figure out
how to continue;
the Holy Supper for Christmas Eve;
A fish dinner for Annunciation;
Pascha baking and Pascha cookies for
and hopefully a Pascha Bright Week dinner...
I can't imagine what it will be like
in a year's time,
and logistics will be a bit more of a challenge
as Orthoman and I will live about an
hour's drive from church
(which on the East Coast is not considered
all that abnormal);
flexibility, ingenuity and brainstorming
will all be needed to
have some continuity for the
festal celebrations,
along with changes, new things and merged
small home-based traditions...